Combining systematically
The combined elektrode palletizing system.

The combined elektrode palletizing system.
POLY GRIP opens new production avenues by breaking through previously strictly restricted technical domains. POLY GRIP integrates the technological realms of the two largest market providers while remaining true to its own technology.
The System
A bright bridging.
A bright bridging.
Once: Dependence.
Now: Independence.
The more complicated a workpiece is the more special are the demands concerning it‘s production. Special solutions often require special tools. Some approach ends in running the technical guantlet. Sovereign territories carry their name rightly. Costumers sometimes absolutely depend on one system supplier. Some approach ends in absolute dependency.
POLY GRIP in the pallet
POLY GRIP in the pallet
POLY GRIP thinks in a different way. POLY GRIP practizes teamwork where others try to encapsulate. POLY GRIP allows to find new ways for production right through strictly protected technical territories. POLY GRIP brings together the technical world of the two biggest providers of the market without betraying own principals. Due to POLY GRIP an uncritical relentless technical pursuit finds it‘s end. POLY GRIP offers a new freedom of choice.
POLY GRIP in the sleeve
POLY GRIP in the sleeve

Freedom of choice
A brilliant system for machine table and sleeve.
A brilliant system for machine table and sleeve.
Setting the course your way.
Quality you can rely on at any time.
With POLY GRIP your production can act with less operation expense and more flexibility. The technology of POLY GRIP enables the interchange of differnt systems of clamping elements. It‘s no odds wether the pallet or the electrode holder comes from EROWA or from System 3R: POLY GRIP manages it!
POLY GRIP clamps with a power of up to 13.000 N. POLY GRIP is made out of high quality steel. The whole system is stainless and the fatigue of material vanishingly small. All components are virtually nonwearing.

POLY GRIP Cross Section
A masterstroke in many directions – at the same time.
A masterstroke in many directions – at the same time.
The investment boomerang.
A chuck normally – depending on duty – gets maintained or repaired triennial. That partly causes costs in a four-digit figure – the costs for service technician and machine shutdown not even included.
POLY GRIP makes the difference. POLY GRIP is much more than a clamping system – it‘s a combination system. Together with third-party technology it runs without problems and nearly without maintenance. For a machine table and a sleeve POLY GRIP is a brilliant system which offers a lot of installation possibilities
POLY GRIP makes the difference. POLY GRIP is much more than a clamping system – it‘s a combination system. Together with third-party technology it runs without problems and nearly without maintenance. For a machine table and a sleeve POLY GRIP is a brilliant system which offers a lot of installation possibilities
POLY GRIP weeds the rampant forest of adapters. The possibility to combine tools of different system-producers saves a lot of money. Your production runs as usual but with less parts and more precise and costefficient than before.
Your competitiveness increases in the same dimension as your freedom of production – better quality included.
POLY GRIP. One-of-a-kind. Worldwide.
Your competitiveness increases in the same dimension as your freedom of production – better quality included.
POLY GRIP. One-of-a-kind. Worldwide.
Download Brochure
Discover more details about POLY GRIP in our brochure. It provides comprehensive information on the technical specifications, application possibilities, and advantages of the system. Download the brochure now and learn how our system can optimize your manufacturing processes.
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